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E-mail : contact@ftrsm.io

Terms of Service

Chapter1 General Provisions


These terms and conditions are intended to govern the rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other related matters between FTRSM Ltd (hereafter referred to as the "Company") and users in relation to the use of the "[Futurism]" service (hereafter referred to as the "Service") provided by the Company..


Article2Definitions of Terms

 The definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions are as follow:

User refers to anyone who applies for membership in the Service in accordance with these terms, receives approval from the Company, and thus enters a service usage contract with the Company.

“Account refers to an account created to identify an individual in the Service, which is assigned to the user.

Password refers to a combination of numbers set by the user to prevent unauthorized use and access to the Service.

Payback” refers to USDT and other units accrued and paid to the user according to the payback service.

Payback Service refers to the service in which the Company returns a portion of the referral fees it earns when a user designates the Company as a referrer on an affiliated exchange, as well as all related services.

Payback Rate refers to the various rates used by the Company to determine the payback to be paid to the user under the payback service.

FTS Service refers to a service that provides an integrated order book system API linked with the web socket of a cryptocurrency exchange, which includes features such as rapid order execution, enhancing the trading convenience for users.

The definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions, except as specified in the previous clause, shall follow those defined by relevant laws.


Article3Posting of Terms and Effectiveness 】

The company will post the content of these terms on the service interface or notify members through other methods so that users are aware of them. Members who agree to these terms and subsequently sign up for or use the service will be bound by its effectiveness. If you do not agree to these terms, you should not use the company's services.


Article4Amendment of Terms 】

The company may amend these terms when deemed necessary. If amendments are made, the company will specify the effective date and details of the changes and will notify them in the same manner as Article 3, from 7 days prior to the effective date until the effective date. However, if the amendments are disadvantageous to the users or relate to significant changes in the service, the company will notify at least 30 days prior to the effective date. Otherwise, the changes will take effect 30 days after the notification. 

When notifying the amended terms as per the previous clause, the company may inform users that if they do not express refusal by the effective date of the amended terms, it will be considered as their consent to the amendments. If users do not explicitly refuse despite such notification, it will be considered that they have agreed to the amended terms.

If users express that they do not agree to the amended terms, the company cannot apply the content of the amended terms, and in such cases, the company may restrict the user's service usage or terminate the contract with the use. 

The company may amend these terms within the limits that do not violate relevant laws.


Article5Interpretation and Rules Beyond Terms 

Matters not specified in these terms and the interpretation of the terms shall be governed by relevant laws or commercial practices.

The company may have separate operational policies in addition to these terms and may notify any changes to individual operational policies and detailed usage guidelines on its website. 


Article6Provision of Information to Users and Placement of Advertisements 】

The company may use the email addresses or telephone numbers provided by users to the company, or other reasonably appropriate means, to notify users.

If it is difficult to notify individual users due to reasons such as users not providing contact details, changes in their existing contact details not being communicated to the company, or when notification is necessary for all users, the company may replace individual notifications by posting the notice on the service's announcement board for at least one week. However, for notifications that are disadvantageous to users or concern significant matters, the posting period will be 30 days.

The company may post advertisements on the service screen or website and can provide them to members who have agreed to receive them via email or other methods. 

The company is not responsible for any losses or damages incurred by members participating in promotional activities with advertisers through the service or from any correspondence or transactions with advertisers. 


Chapter2 Service Usage Agreement

Article7Formation of Usage Agreement 】

The service usage agreement between the company and the user is established when an applicant for membership (hereinafter referred to as the "Applicant") completes the membership form set by the company, provides the required member information, and expresses their agreement to these terms and conditions and the guidance on the collection and use of personal information, thereby applying for membership, followed by the company's acceptance of this application. 

An Applicant is considered to have agreed to these terms and conditions and the guidance on the collection and use of personal information when they click the "Agree" button. 

The company may request real-name verification and personal identification from the Applicant in accordance with the identity verification procedure established by the company.

All responsibilities related to password management rest with the user. The user must not lend, transfer, or engage in similar activities with their authentication information to third parties, and all responsibilities arising from negligent management of their authentication information are borne by the user. 


Article8Restrictions on Acceptance of Application for Use

The company generally accepts membership applications. However, the company may refuse acceptance or cancel it after membership is granted if any of the following reasons are found. 

If technical issues prevent the provision of services

If the applicant uses a false name or the identity of another person in the application

If the applicant omits or misrepresents mandatory information required in the application form 

If the applicant is under the age of 14

If the applicant's email address does not exist or email verification is incomplete

If the applicant uses the services from a country not served by the company or uses the services through abnormal or circumventive methods

If the application is for illicit purposes or for a separate business

If the application is for illegal or improper purposes such as money laundering (the company may request additional information or clarification of the use purpose if there is suspicion regarding the transaction or use purpose, in accordance with relevant laws)

If the application violates relevant laws or could disrupt public order or morals

In cases of hacking or security breaches 

Other similar reasons deemed inappropriate for acceptance

The company may hold acceptance if any of the following conditions apply until the issue is resolved. 

If there is no available capacity in the company’s facilities 

If it is difficult to support certain mobile devices

If there are technical difficulties

Other similar reasons making it difficult to accept the application


Article9Representations and Warranties 】

By joining, users acknowledge, warrant, and agree to the following:

The company has not introduced or facilitated the use of any specific exchanges for providing services to the user.

The company does not have access to the user's exchange accounts.

The company does not handle any assets of the user, including virtual assets, in the provision of its services.

The user has all rights, powers, legal capacity, and authority to enter into this contract and be bound by it.

It is the user's sole responsibility to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

The company has no obligation to inform the user of potential liabilities or violations of laws or regulations related to service access and use, nor does the company bear any responsibility if the user fails to comply with such laws or regulations.

The user alone is responsible for all risk assessments related to orders, including decisions to use APIs and services.

The user acts on behalf of their own account, not as an agent or proxy for someone else.

The user possesses the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience required for using the service.

The company does not arrange or mediate the use of virtual asset exchanges in providing services, and the user is fully aware of the inherent risks associated with this contract, including new financial regulatory requirements, the potential for losses, and the volatility of virtual asset prices, and voluntarily assumes full responsibility for all such risks.

The company does not solicit users for virtual asset trading or investment. Note that this service is intended to facilitate transactions for users who wish to trade virtual assets independently of this service.

The company and this service are not associated with the user's virtual asset transactions or investments, and the company does not guarantee or take any responsibility for the user's virtual asset transactions.

Users should be aware that trading virtual assets on affiliated exchanges can expose them to various risks, and such transactions are independent of this service.

Policy Risk: Users of affiliated exchanges may incur losses due to changes in laws or national policies affecting normal virtual asset transactions.

Compliance Risk: Users may incur losses if their virtual asset transactions violate laws or regulations.

Investment Return Risk: The virtual asset market is inherently volatile, and users may experience losses in the market.

Transaction Risk: The success of a transfer depends on mutual agreement between the parties, and affiliated exchanges do not promise or guarantee successful transfers.

Force Majeure Risk: Natural disasters, wars, strikes, cyber-attacks, and other unpredictable and compelling circumstances may disrupt the services of affiliated exchanges, potentially causing losses to users, for which the company bears no responsibility.

Delisting Risk: If virtual asset projects go bankrupt, are liquidated or dissolved, violate laws or regulations, or upon request of the project parties, affiliated exchanges may delist virtual assets, causing losses to users.

Technical Risk: While unlikely, technical faults can occur during virtual asset transactions, which could affect the user's interests.

Operational Risk: Users may face risks due to operational errors such as transfers to incorrect accounts or breaches of operational regulations.

Account Freezing Risk: In cases of default or suspicion of criminal activity, a user's account may be frozen or forcibly seized by legal authorities.


Article10Users Contract Termination and Suspension Request

Users may apply to terminate their service contract at any time via the account management menu within the service, and the company will process this immediately. However, users must transfer their virtual assets externally following the company's termination criteria and procedures before applying for termination. 

Upon termination, the member's personal information will be destroyed in accordance with the company's privacy policy.


Article11【Company's Termination of Contract and Restriction of Service to Members】

If a user violates these terms or applicable laws, or if other circumstances necessitate the termination of the contract with the user, the company may request the user to rectify the reason within a specified period using the methods described in Article 6 or other appropriate methods. If the rectification does not occur within that period or if the circumstances necessitating termination are not resolved, the company may send a termination notice to end the service contract with the user, issue a warning, or restrict the user’s service use. 

When taking restrictive measures as per the previous clause, the company will notify the user in advance of the following details within a reasonable period: 

Reason for the restriction measures

Type and duration of the restriction measures

How to appeal against the restriction measures 

Notwithstanding the previous clauses, if there are reasons that necessitate immediate termination or restriction of use, such as identity theft, distribution of illegal programs, interference with operation, illegal communication and hacking, distribution of malicious software, or exceeding access rights, and these constitute violations of related laws, the company may proceed without a separate period for rectification and notify the user afterwards.

If the company terminates or restricts a contract under this article, it will initially freeze the virtual assets already held by the user and then proceed according to the dispositions of applicable laws and relevant governmental authorities. If no such disposition is required, the assets will be settled in an appropriate manner. However, private keys will not be extinguished in this process.


Article12Procedures for Objection to Use Restrictions

If a user wishes to contest any restrictive measures imposed by the company, they must submit a written objection, detailing the reasons for the contestation, via mail, email, or an equivalent method within 30 days of receiving the notification under Article 11, Section 2, or from the day their service use was restricted. 

The company must respond to the objection within 14 days of receiving the objection notice, using mail, email, or an equivalent method. If the company cannot respond within this period, it must inform the member of the reason and the expected resolution timeline. 

If the company deems the user's objection to be justified, it will immediately resume the user's service use.


Chapter3 Service Usage

Article13Notes on Using the Payback Service 】

Users must not earn or receive payback in abnormal ways, such as using prohibited methods at affiliated exchanges (e.g., price manipulation, disguise trading, front-running) 

Users may request the payment of their accumulated payback only if it exceeds a minimum amount set by the company. The company will specify the payback payment threshold, units of request, and detailed payment methods such as the account (digital wallet) for payment on the detailed page.

The company may change any specifics of the payback service, including eligible transactions and payback rates, at any time according to the operational policies of the company or the affiliated exchange before payback accrues.

The company will pay payback to users only after it has actually received the referral income from the affiliated exchange. If the exchange refuses to pay, changes or discontinues its referral bonus policy, goes bankrupt, or other such reasons result in the company not receiving the referral income, the company may not accrue or pay out the accumulated payback. Furthermore, if it becomes clear that the company cannot receive referral bonuses from the exchange (e.g., if the exchange has refused to pay, has gone bankrupt), the company may cancel the accrued payback for the user.

If payback is accrued or paid to a user despite the user not meeting the conditions for such payback, the company may, without further notice, take any or all of the following actions:.

Cancellation of accrued payback

Request the return of paid payback

Deduction of improperly paid payback from payback not yet paid


Article14FTS Service Usage Considerations 】

The company provides the FTS service API free of charge, but reserves the right to potentially charge for API usage or access in the future. If the company decides to charge for API access, users are not obligated to continue using it.

The company reserves the right to monitor users' API usage to enhance the service and ensure compliance with these terms and company policies.

The company grants users a limited, non-exclusive, worldwide, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, royalty-free license to access and use the service for non-commercial purposes only. Users may not distribute, sublicense, or transfer the company's API to third parties or use it for commercial purposes.

The company disclaims any responsibility or obligation for:

Errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content

Any personal injury or property damage resulting from access to or use of the FTS service,

Unauthorized access or use of the company’s secure servers and/or any information stored therein,

Interruptions or cessation of features related to the FTS service

Bugs, viruses, Trojan horses, etc., that may be transmitted through the FTS service;

Errors or omissions in content provided through the FTS service or any loss or damage incurred as a result

Under no circumstances will the company be liable for amounts exceeding the greater of the amount paid by the user for access to the FTS service or one hundred thousand won, regardless of the basis of the claim, whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or otherwise, even if the company has been advised of the possibility of such liability. This limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Users explicitly understand and agree that they assume all risks associated with the use of the FTS service.

The company explicitly disclaims all express, implied, and statutory warranties related to the FTS service and proprietary or open-source code. The company specifically disclaims any representations or warranties regarding ownership, non-infringement, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, production techniques, or the absence of defects, whether potential or patented.

The company does not represent or warrant the accuracy, completeness, reliability, currency, or error-free nature of the code and related information. Services, including the API, are provided "as is" and "as available," without any kind of express or implied warranty, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Users acknowledge that no advice, information, or statement provided by the company should be construed as creating a warranty in connection with the service. The company does not offer warranties.


Article15 【Service Modification, Suspension, and Termination

The service is intended to be available 24 hours a day, all year round. However, the entirety or part of the service may be suspended temporarily due to operational, technical, or business reasons. In such cases, the reason and duration of the suspension will be notified as described in Article 6. However, if there is an unavoidable reason that prevents prior notification, the company may notify afterwards in the following cases.

Due to mandatory system maintenance, repairs, or construction;

Due to discontinuation of operations caused by business transfers, splits, mergers, significant deterioration in the profitability of the service, or expiry of the service provision contract 

In the event of a suspension or similar force majeure event in the virtual asset market

In the event of force majeure such as natural disasters or national emergencies

Other circumstances where the company is unable to maintain the service due to its overall situation

Despite the aforementioned, the company may set different service hours for some services.

The company bears no responsibility to users for issues arising from changes, suspensions, or terminations of the service that are conducted through normal procedures or have been previously announced. 


Article16Companys Obligations

The company strives to provide continuous and stable service as stipulated in these terms. 

The company will not disclose or distribute the personal information of members obtained through the provision of services to third parties without their consent, except in cases permitted under applicable laws. 

The company complies with all laws and regulations related to the operation and maintenance of the service. 


Article17Notices Related to Service Use

The company may refuse to process transactions requested through the service or restrict transaction amounts and other transaction conditions as necessary to prevent damage to users due to reasons stated in paragraph 5 of this article. 

Users are solely responsible for any losses incurred due to lost passwords or authentication information used to access the application.

Users must comply with the provisions of these terms, relevant laws, service instructions, notices posted on the service, and any other notices from the company. 

Members shall not engage in the following actions:

Registering false facts or using another person's information during service application or modification 

Using third-party authentication information to use the service

Earning back pay abnormally through prohibited methods at partner exchanges (such as price manipulation, front-running, etc.)

Replicating or distributing information obtained from the company's service without prior consent for commercial purposes

Registering or distributing data infected with viruses that could disrupt or damage service operations or information

Infringing on intellectual property rights or personal rights of the company or third parties

Collecting, storing, or disclosing other members' personal information

Removing, obscuring, or altering ownership marks, intellectual property notices, or other legal notices posted by the company

Using deep links, web crawlers, bots, spiders, or other automatic devices, programs, scripts, algorithms, or methods, whether manual or automated, to access, acquire, replicate, or monitor any part of the company's assets

Attempting to obtain or access information or documents from the service in ways not intended by the service

Accessing parts of the service or systems without company permission or through hacking or other unauthorized means

Testing or breaching security or authentication measures of the service or networks connected to it

Tracking, reversing look-up, or investigating any information of other service users or visitors

Overloading, flooding, or creating an unbalanced load on any service infrastructure or network

Using devices, software, or routines that interfere with the normal operation of the service or transactions at associated exchanges

Forging headers or otherwise manipulating identifiers to disguise the origin of any message or transmittal you send to the service

Engaging in any behavior that infringes on the fair and lawful rights of others, uses the service in an illegal or inappropriate manner, or violates community standards.

Other illegal or unfair practices

If a user causes damage to the company due to the actions specified in paragraph 5, the company may claim damages or take other actions.

If a user's authentication information is stolen or misused by a third party, the user must immediately take actions such as changing their authentication information and notify the company. If the company provides instructions, the user must follow them.

The company may analyze and utilize information collected during the use of the service for improving service quality, developing new services, and specialization purposes. Users permit the company to use such information for these objectives. 


Article18Changes to Member Information

Users must update their information according to the methods specified by the company if there are any changes to the details provided at the time of service application. The company is not responsible for any issues that arise from the user's failure to update changes in a timely manner. 


Chapter4 Dispute Resolution

Article19Handling User Grievances

Users can request the processing of complaints or inquiries through the contact below, and the company will handle them sincerely. 

Contact : [contact@ftrsm.io]


Article20Companys Disclaimer

The company is exempt from liability for service provision in the event of natural disasters or similar force majeure, maintenance checks, replacement or failure of information and communication facilities, or disconnection of communication, etc. 

The company is not liable for errors, defects, or inaccuracies in the information, documents, software, or other materials provided to the user unless it is due to the company's fault. 

The company is not responsible for service disruptions caused by the user's fault. 

Companies operating systems linked with the company's service, such as through links or partnerships, operate independently, and the company is not responsible for any transactions or agreements made between the connected companies and the user. 

The resolution of disputes arising from transactions between users, including necessary post-processing, must be performed directly by the users involved, and the company does not intervene. 


Article21 【Compensation For Damages

If the company incurs damage due to a user violating the provisions of these terms, the user must compensate the company for all damages incurred. 

If the company receives a claim for damages or is subject to a lawsuit or complaint from a third party due to the user's illegal act or violation of these terms, the user must indemnify the company at their own expense and compensate the company for all damages incurred.

The company is liable for damages to the user only if such damages occurred due to the company's fault.

The company is not liable for unforeseeable damages to the user caused by the company's responsible reasons. The company's liability to the user does not include indirect losses such as data loss, loss of business, or interruption of business. 


Article22Governing Law and Jurisdiction 】

The relationship between the user and the company under these terms is governed by the laws of the British Virgin Islands, and all claims or actions related to this are under the jurisdiction of the British Virgin Islands.

In the event of a dispute between the company and the user related to the content of these terms or the use of the service, both parties will attempt to resolve the dispute through sincere negotiations and through their duly authorized representatives.


Article23 【General Provisions

If any provision of these terms becomes ineffective or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in effect.

The company's failure to enforce or delay in enforcing any rights or powers under these terms shall not be construed as a waiver of those rights or powers.

Users may not transfer, assign, charge, or otherwise dispose of their rights or obligations under this contract without the prior written consent of the company. However, in the event of an acquisition, merger, or sale of services, the company may transfer the rights or obligations defined in these terms without the consent of the member. 



If the deadline for any reporting or payment obligation under these terms is not a business day, the immediate preceding business day shall be considered the deadline 


<Supplementary Provision>

Establishment: These terms are applicable from April 15, 2024. 



Privacy Policy 

FTRSM Ltd(hereinafter the Company”,”We”) is committed to protecting the personal information provided by users during the use of [Futurism]. The Company makes this privacy policy available within the service so that users can easily access it at any time, informing data subjects of the purposes and methods by which their personal information is processed.

This privacy policy holds significant meaning as it:

Informs users of the details of personal information collected by the Company, how it is used, and the methods of destruction when no longer needed.

Ensures that users understand their legal rights regarding their personal information, including the right to make decisions about their personal information.

Guides on preventing personal information breaches and on recovering from such incidents if they occur.


Article 1Collection and Use of Personal Information 】

The company Processes personal information for the following purposes: 

Membership Management and Service Operation

Use of membership-based services.

Identification of members.

Conducting surveys and analyses related to service demand.

Verification and identification of individuals.

Identification and management of misuse and membership.

Measures to ensure smooth operation of services.

Delivery of service-related announcements.

Improvement and development of services.

Event Participation, Survey Participation, and Provision of Goods or Services to Winners:

Selection of participants and winners in events and surveys.

Provision of goods or services to winners.

Marketing and Advertising

Communication of marketing and promotional information. 

Providing updates, newsletters, and information about new drops/events related to the company and its operations.

Offering customized and personalized services.

Grievance Handling

Verification of Complainants Identity and Inquiry/Complaint Details

Contact and Notification for Fact-Finding

Notification of Response

Handling Inquiries

Provision of Information as Required by Law

The company provides data to law enforcement or other legal bodies as mandated by applicable laws and procedures.

Personal Information collected will not be used for purposes other than those specified previously. If there is a need to use this information for different purposes, the company will take necessary steps to obtain separate consent from the individuals concerned.


Article2Collection, Purpose of Use, and Retention Period of Personal Information 】

The company collects the following types of personal information for specified purposes. If additional personal information is needed for individual services, the company will notify the purposes, items, and retention periods of such information and obtain separate consent. 

Membership Registration and Management

Commonly collected information (required): Name, gender, nickname, and whether the user is under the age of 14.

Email registration (required): Email and password.

Service Usage

When linking member exchange UID (required): Name of the exchange, the specific UID of that exchange, and transaction details (such as transaction date and quantity)

Customer Support Usage

Email, nickname, and the content of grievance posts. Additional information necessary for processing the complaint may be collected with separate consent if needed.

Automatically Collected Information During Service Use and Processing

Service usage records, access logs, cookies, IP information (IP address, access time), authentication records, suspension of use records, mobile device information (telecom provider, device details, country information), browser type used by the user, user settings, and records of misuse. These types of information are automatically generated and collected.

The company collects and retains personal information in the following ways. 

Methods of Personal Information Collection 

Direct Input by Users: Personal information is collected directly from users when they agree to provide it during processes such as membership registration, mobile phone verification, and other similar user-initiated procedures 

During Customer Support Interactions: Personal information is collected during the process of handling grievances such as through email consultations and other forms of communication aimed at resolving user complaints 

Participation in Events/Activities: Personal information is collected during participation in both online and offline events or activities, which may include interactions through websites, applications, written forms, email addresses, telephone, fax, or contest entries 

From Partner Services or Organizations: In cases where personal information is provided by affiliated services or organizations 

Through Automated Collection Tools: Information is automatically collected through devices that store data such as cookies, which gather details like usage patterns, login data, and device information

Basis for Retention: Processing of user requested tasks 

Retention Period of Personal Information

The company adheres strictly to legal requirements and individual consent regarding the retention period of personal information. Personal information is processed and retained within the time frame consented to by the data subject at the time of collection or as mandated by applicable laws. The retention periods for different types of information are detailed as follows.  

Membership Registration and Management

: retained until 60 days after membership termination. 

 This retention period allows for the restoration of the member’s previous activity records if a termination is due to a mistake or change of mind by the user. This policy helps prevent misuse and damages resulting from indiscriminate membership cancellations and re-registrations. 

Participation in Events

Information collected for event participation is retained until the conclusion of the event and the completion of related tasks, such as the distribution of prizes to winners. This ensures all obligations towards the participants are fulfilled.

Personal Information with Explicitly Agreed Retention Periods

It will be deleted and destroyed when the retention period expires.

Record of Misuse According to Internal Policies 

If there are records of misuse or suspected misuse by a user, the company retains this information for one year from the time of collection, despite any withdrawal of consent by the user. This is to aid in preventing misuse and to protect against fraud.

Information Mandated by Law

Under the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce 

- Records related to advertising and marketing: 6 months

- Records related to contracts or withdrawal of offers: 5 years

- Records related to payments and supply of goods: 5 years

- Records related to consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years

Under the Protection of Communications Secrets Act

- Records of telecommunications and internet log data, and tracking data: 3 years

Under the Basic National Taw Law

- Records of all transactions required by tax law, including books and supporting documents: 5 years

The company adheres to the principle of not collecting sensitive information that may infringe on the privacy of customers.


Article 3Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The company does not provide or disclose personal information to third parties without user consent and processes personal information only within the scope specified in this privacy policy.  

Despite the general policy, the company may provide or disclose personal information to third parties in the following circumstances.

With User Consent

For Statistical, Research, or Market Analysis Purposes: Information may be provided in a form that does not identify specific individuals.

In the event of a sale, merger, or acquisition, personal information may be transferred as part of the business assets. However, the company will notify users in advance and follow legally prescribed procedures, granting users the right to withdraw consent for the transfer of their information.

If the data subject or their legal representative is unable to give consent due to incapacitation, missing details, or similar reasons, and if it is deemed necessary to protect the urgent interests of the life, body, or property of the data subject or a third party.

If special provisions in the law dictate the provision of personal information

 Currently, the company does not provide personal information to third parties. If it becomes necessary to provide personal information to third parties for additional services or benefits in the future, the company will inform users of the recipient, purpose of the information provision, specific personal information to be provided, and the retention and usage period of the third party. Explicit and individual consent will then be obtained before any personal information is shared..


Article 4Matters Concerning the Entrustment of Personal Information 】

When the company enters into a data processing outsourcing contract, it adheres to Article 26 of the "Personal Information Protection Law." This includes stipulations that personal information may not be processed for any purposes other than those of the contracted tasks. The contract will detail the prohibition of information processing beyond the scope of the outsourced work, technical and administrative protection measures, restrictions on re-entrustment, management and supervision of the trustee, and liability for damages. The company also ensures supervision over the trustee to secure the safe processing of personal information.

Should there be any changes in the details of the outsourced work or the trustee, the company commits to promptly updating these changes in this privacy policy and publicly disclosing them.

As of now, the company does not outsource the processing of personal information. However, if in the future there is a need to entrust personal information due to operational requirements or other reasons, the company will update and disclose the terms of such entrustment through this privacy policy without delay.


Article 5Transfer of Personal Information Overseas

The company is not currently transferring personal information to third parties overseas. However, as the company is established under the laws of the British Virgin Islands, there may be instances where personal information is stored overseas during the company's direct processing and storage processes.


Purpose of Use, Retention, and Duration: Refer to Articles 1 and 2 

Items Transferred: All personal information collected by the company (refer to Article 2)

Destination Country: British Virgin Islands

Contact: [contact@ftrsm.io]

Date and Method of Transfer:  During service usage, transferred via the network.

In the event of personal information being transferred overseas, the company commits to promptly disclosing such occurrences through this privacy policy. Particularly, in cases where personal information is provided to overseas third parties, the company will obtain prior consent from users. 


Article 6Rights and Obligations of Data Subjects and Their Legal Representatives 】

Data subjects (users) and their legal representatives have the right to exercise the following personal information protection rights at any time regarding the company. However, these rights may be limited by relevant laws, and the ability to request deletion or suspension of processing for certain types of personal information specified by other laws may be restricted.

Right to Access Information

Right to Rectification

Right to Deletion or Suspension of Processing

The service does not target individuals under the age of 14 

The company does not intentionally contact, collect, use, or share information of children under 14. Is such information is inadvertently collected, parents or guardians can request access, correction, deletion, or withdrawal of consent for the childs personal information..

The exercise of the aforementioned rights can be done using the methods outlined below, and the company will act without delay upon such requests. Users may also contact the company via written documents or email.

Rectification of Personal Information: [contact@ftrsm.io] for corrections

Withdrawal of Consent for Data Collection and Use: Contact [contact@ftrsm.io] to withdraw consent.

Rights may also be exercised through a legal representative or an authorized agent of the data subject. In such cases, a power of attorney must be submitted to the company.

The company will verify whether the individual making the request is the data subject or a legitimate representative (such as a legal guardian) to ensure the appropriate handling of the request.

Users have the right to refuse consent to the collection and use of their personal information. However, refusal of consent may lead to limitations on the use of the company’s services. 


Article 7Disclosure of Personal Information Collected from Sources Other than the data Subject 】

f the company processes personal information collected from sources other than the data subject, upon request of the data subject, the company will disclose the following information to the data subject. 

Source of Personal Information

Purpose of Processing Personal Information

Under Article 37 of the Personal Information Protection Law, the fact that the data subject has the right to request a halt to the processing of their personal information.

Data subjects can also contact the company via written document or email to exercise their rights.

Email: [contact@ftrsm.io]


Article 8Destruction of Personal Information

The company will destroy personal information immediately once the purpose for its processing has been fulfilled unless there is a legal obligation to retain the information for a prescribed period or separate consent has been obtained for retention. Personal information that must be retained according to legal requirements will be stored separately from other personal data.

Personal information of members who have not used the service for one year will be stored separately from those of active members.

Procedures, Deadlines, and Methods for Destruction of Personal Information:

Destruction Procedure

Information input by users is stored for a period defined by internal policies and relevant legislation after achieving its processing purpose and is destroyed immediately thereafter unless required by law.

Destruction Deadline

Personal information is destroyed within five days after it is deemed unnecessary due to the expiry of the retention period, achievement of processing purposes, discontinuation of the service, or end of business.

Destruction Method

Electronic files are destroyed using methods that make records non-reproducible. Printed personal information is destroyed either by shredding or incineration..


Article 9Personal Information Protection Officer 】

The company has appointed a Personal Information Protection Officer (PPO) to oversee all aspects of personal information processing, address complaints, and manage remedies for any damages that may occur related to personal information processing.

<Personal Information Protection Officer >

Name: [Agnita Solomon]

Email: [contact@ftrsm.io]


Users can contact the Personal Information Protection Officer for any inquiries, complaints, or issues related to the protection of their personal information that arise while using the company’s services. The company is committed to responding promptly to all queries to ensure effective resolution and user satisfaction.

Despite the company's efforts to implement the best possible technical security measures, it is not liable for any unexpected incidents such as data breaches caused by hacking or other network vulnerabilities that utilize advanced technologies. The company emphasizes its commitment to security but acknowledges the limitations faced due to evolving cybersecurity threats.


Article 10Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Automatic Personal Informational Collection Devices 】

The company utilizes devices such as cookies and sessions that automatically collect personal information. Cookies are small data packets sent by the server operating the website to the user's browser and are stored on the user's hard disk. These devices are crucial for enhancing user experience by storing information that speeds up and facilitates more efficient web navigation.

Purpose of Using Cookies

Cookies are used to store preferences and settings, which help in providing a faster web environment and improving service convenience for users. This enables a more user-friendly service experience, making it easier for users to navigate and interact with the services offered.

Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Cookies

Users have the right to choose whether to allow the installation of cookies. They can refuse the storage of cookies or delete them at any time.

Methods for configuring cookie settings and how to refuse them.

Internet Explorer : Select 'Tools' menu > 'Internet Options' > Click on 'Privacy' tab > Advanced Privacy Settings > Adjust cookie setting

Chrome : Go to 'Settings' menu > 'Show advanced settings' > 'Privacy and security' > 'Content settings' > Manage cookie settings

Safari : Choose 'Preferences' menu > 'Privacy' tab > Manage cookies and website data settings

Note: Refusing the installation of cookies can affect the delivery of services, as some functionalities depend on cookies for operational efficiency.

The company occasionally automatically collects Advertising ID (ADID) from Android devices and Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) from iOS devices. These identifiers are used by mobile apps for advertising purpose.

Purpose of Using ADID/IDFA

ADID/IDFA are used to provide online personalized advertising and other customized services and benefits to the user, enhancing the relevancy and effectiveness of advertisements based on user behavior and preferences.

Method of Collecting ADID/IDFA

ADID/IDFA are automatically collected when a user visits or executes an app.

Retention and Use Period of ADID/IDFA

Collected identifiers are retained for one year from the date of collection. 

Refusal to Collect ADID/IDFA 

Android OS: Settings > Google (Google Settings) > Ads > Opt out of Ads Personalization

iOS: Settings > Privacy > Advertising > Limit Ad Tracking


Article 11Liability for Linked Sites

The company may provide links to external websites. However, as the company does not control these external sites, it cannot assume responsibility or guarantee the usefulness, truthfulness, or legality of the content and services provided by these sites. Users are advised to review the privacy policies of these external sites as they are separate from the company's policies.


Article 12  Amendments to the Privacy Policy】

The privacy policy is effective from 2024.04.[*]. 

The company may amend this privacy policy to reflect changes in legal or service conditions.

If there are any changes to this privacy policy, the company will post the changes. The amendments will become effective seven days after posting. For significant changes that affect user rights, such as changes in the items of personal information collected or the purposes of use, users will be notified at least 30 days in advance.


Announcement Date (Establishment): 2024. 04. 15.

Implementation Date: 2024. 04. 15.


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